Around Europe in 31 Days!

This is the true story of three friends, finished with their dietetic internship, and traveling Europe for one last adventure before entering the real world. We don't speak anything other than English, and we've been to Europe for a total of a combined 6 days before. This should be entertaining...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

It's so pretty!

We're already up and about for the day, and with the seven hour time difference, some of you are probably just going to bed now. How bizarre is that?

We went to the Eiffel Tower last night, and it's so pretty! We paid the admission price to go all the way up, because, hey, we may only be here once. And that thing is TALL! We took the lift because, well we 1) didn't know where the steps where and 2) didn't want to climb 300 meters, that's a little out of control! The view from the first stop was beautiful, but even more amazing from the top of the tower. I think the temperature was about 10 degrees cooler up top, but it was completely amazing to be on top of the Eiffel Tower.

We ate dinner near the Eiffel Tower, at this cute little outdoor cafe. I went crazy and tried pizza with fried egg on it. I don't know that that's actually French, but it seemed like something I should try in Paris if I was going to try it anywhere, and it was surprisingly delicious. Either that or I was just plain starving since dinner over here isn't until after 8 PM and we had our baguettes and cheese like 6 hours before. We had our first French wine too, and I think that's a custom we can defintely get used to!

Today we're off to the Louvre and Notre Dame, as well as the Arc de Triumphe. Granted, we have to figure out the Metro to get there first, but we're getting pretty good at the navigation. It's that whole 'finding the first station' thing that seems to be tripping us up.


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