Around Europe in 31 Days!

This is the true story of three friends, finished with their dietetic internship, and traveling Europe for one last adventure before entering the real world. We don't speak anything other than English, and we've been to Europe for a total of a combined 6 days before. This should be entertaining...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

1st night in Temple Bar

Sorry about the lapse in messages, but our hostel computers weren't working so well. A funny side note..when leaving Killarney we saw a BMI (body mass index chart for all you non-diatetic majors) and it was crazy. There categories are underweight, normal, overweight, morbid obese, super morbid obese, and super super morbid obese. Like the morbidly obese people don't feel bad enough, geez...they call them SUPER! Horrible!
We arrived in Dublin and the train system was really easy and really founf our hostel with no problem. The hostel was tiny and there was smelly people we roomed with but other than that is was sufficient. We walked around Trinity college and around the Temple Bar area. I guess Temple Bar is where all the great bars are. It was so crazy and there were so many people walking around. Lots of Hen and Stagg parties or bachelor and bachelorette parties. They all dress crazy with very bright and weird outfits. I hope Kalee and Kristin don't get any crazy ideas for mine...scary! We went to a few bars and tried some different beers. We found that we liked the Cider the best and felt that we were drinking apple juice, just trying to get some added vitamins! Note: Coors light is an import = VERY expensive...who knew!
The first people we met were some "lads" from England. They were very nice young men and we talked a lot about cultural differences. Very informational for a Thursday night out on the town. One particular lad was very impressed with Kalee's straight teeth and tan. And one English man told me that the English really like the Beatles...shocking!
Well that is all for me...enjoy the updates! :)


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