Around Europe in 31 Days!

This is the true story of three friends, finished with their dietetic internship, and traveling Europe for one last adventure before entering the real world. We don't speak anything other than English, and we've been to Europe for a total of a combined 6 days before. This should be entertaining...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ready to go

Today I traveled to STA travel to pick up all the Eurorail and Hostel passes. The agent gave me tons of information, almost too much for one graduate to remember so I quickly called Kalee and Wessel to inform them of what I learned. I bought some travel supplies today and am not allowing myself to go to Target for more supplies till next week. Otherwise I will be just to excited, however probably not as much as Kalee. Trust me, I can sleep through excitement. I also printed out a currency exchange list cheat sheet. I have enough trouble counting american dollars, let alone euro's..thank goodness for the internet. So I have all the important papers now that make our journey complete and I already have them stationed by the back door of my house so I won't forget them. Oh yes, Kalee I thought I was learning you doubt my abilities. Well I am sure I will be fluent before we go, however I have yet to find my little French book in all my boxes from moving home. Maybe it is not a bad idea that you start studying up on that. Well, I am off to read the DaVinci Code. Bye Bye!


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