Around Europe in 31 Days!

This is the true story of three friends, finished with their dietetic internship, and traveling Europe for one last adventure before entering the real world. We don't speak anything other than English, and we've been to Europe for a total of a combined 6 days before. This should be entertaining...

Monday, May 22, 2006

1 week to go!

1 week from right now, we'll be on a plane, on our way to Ireland! Between the three of us, I envision some heart palpitations, some excessive leg twitching, and probably some granola bar munching. I'm not naming any names or anything...

1 more week!

But who's counting?


Blogger Nancy R said...

Isn't there a site somewhere that advises you on what to pack? For a while I was reading an online journal of someone hiking the Applachain (sp) Trail. It was through a website all about the AT hike and they had oodles of advice on how to pack as lightly as possible.

Go Forth, and post often!

10:13 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

There are actually a bunch of sites that advise on packing, but it's so much more daunting to actually pack when you're staring at that seemingly ever-shrinking backpack! Soon it's just going to come to the point when I throw in whatever happens to be on my floor...

8:49 PM  

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