Around Europe in 31 Days!

This is the true story of three friends, finished with their dietetic internship, and traveling Europe for one last adventure before entering the real world. We don't speak anything other than English, and we've been to Europe for a total of a combined 6 days before. This should be entertaining...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Look kids: Big Ben, Parliament!

Cheers from London!

Alright, the internet cafe and us are fighting right now, so we have like 5 minutes to post. Stupid British computers. We arrived here in London yesterday around noon, after a 50 minute flight from Dublin. that was after we woke up a half hour after we were supposed to have left our hostel in Dublin. Whoops! No worries though, we had learned the Dublin buses so well that we made it to the airport with no problems, with a half hour to spare in the Dublin airport.

Pat picked us at the airport and helped us navigate the tube/bus system, which was so helpful since some of the tubes were closed for construction over the weekend. Plus, we kept refering to euros and not pounds, so people were getting really frustrated with us.

Anyway, we made it to our hostel and it's our best so far. except the crazy roomies, but hey, it happens. We spent yesterday afternoon walking around London, getting a lay of the land and seeing all the main sites so we were ready to go for today.

Side notes: Our hotel is attached to a bar called Belushi's. So not only can you get an Elwood burger while quoting Blues Brothers, BUT you can then quote National Lampoon's European vacation as you walk by Big Ben and Parliament. Not that I've done that 1804 times already.

Side note 2: We had this amazing chocolate truffle torte for dinner tonight. I'm sure one of the other girls will refer to it too, but OH MY GOD. I can die completely happy now. And that is all.


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