I think I'm in heaven. No, really, I am.
Okay, Paris is great. And not in the way that Dublin and London were great, but it is rrrrreally great. Especially the pastries. I think I may just stay here. Okay, not really, but now at least you understand how good the pastries are. I had some pain au chocolate thing, although I had a little trouble ordering it because I couldn't pronounce it very well. So I just pointed at it and the lady figured it out. I've been trying really hard to use French here, but I keep speaking in Spanish. Probably because I know absolutely no French, and Spanish is the only language other than English I know. And I'm pretty sure Spanish is closer to French than English, so I'm aaalmost speaking French. Riiight. We'll just go with that. It makes me feel better. So last night we ate dinner across from the Eiffel Tower, and it was great. The Eiffel Tower is sparkly at night. It was really pretty, so pretty, in fact, that Sandy and I started skipping towards it. It was a magical moment, really. Wessel got it all on video tape. The food we've had here so far has been great! We are so happy not to be eating french fries aka "chips", that I think anything would taste good at this point, but French food really is good. The baguettes are everything I had imagined they would be, so I'm loving France so far. Today we attended mass at the Cathedrale de Notre Dame, and it was really cool. I didn't understand a word they said, but everything was in the same order as mass at home, so I got the general idea of what was being said. It was a really pretty cathedral, with lots of stained glass. Amazing! Okay, well now I need to go because I'm tired from all the French pastries and need a nap. Happy reading!
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