Around Europe in 31 Days!

This is the true story of three friends, finished with their dietetic internship, and traveling Europe for one last adventure before entering the real world. We don't speak anything other than English, and we've been to Europe for a total of a combined 6 days before. This should be entertaining...

Friday, June 16, 2006

I love Europe!

My feet are killing me, I have stains on three different items of clothing, my shoes are falling apart, my flip flops smell, I now have 3 bags instead of 2 (stupid souveniours... you had better all like them!), I am a little sunburnt, I haven't had a proper shower since I was in Highland, I'm so exhausted, the bunk beds creak in the hostels, but I am having the time of my life! Seriously, I have never had so much fun, and I love Europe! Who wants to come back next summer? ;) Kidding! Maybe the summer after... we'll take suitcases instead of backpacks.


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